7/16/2012 08:27:00 PM

FII Activity 07/16/2012

Reporting Date Debt/Equity Investment
Gross Purchases(Rs Crore) Gross Sales(Rs Crore) Net Investment (Rs Crore) Net Investment US($) million Conversion
16-JUL-2012 Equity Stock Exchange 1958.20 1598.30 359.90 64.67 Rs.55.656
Primary market & others 25.50 5.80 19.70 3.54
Sub-total 1983.70 1604.10 379.60 68.21
Debt Stock Exchange 2088.00 1343.60 744.40 133.75
Primary market & others 185.60 1655.30 (1469.70) (264.08)
Sub-total 2273.50 2998.90 (725.30) (130.32)
Total 4257.20 4603.00 -345.70 -62.11
Reporting Date Derivative Products Buy Sell Open Interest at the
end of the date
No. of Contracts Amount in Crore No. of Contracts Amount in crore No. of Contracts Amount in Crore
16-JUL-2012 Index Futures 48337 1255.33 49972 1294.63 589909 14944.94
Index Options 380820 9951.06 385789 10091.05 1678550 43879.27
Stock Futures 41907 1172.58 53433 1465.04 986993 26414.44
Stock Options 47755 1373.84 48204 1394.05 68732 1943.45
Interest Rate Futures 0 0 0 0 0 0